Tammy (she/her) - Executive Director

How did you get into cycling? A former coworker who was a bodybuilder, owned her own gym , and participated in triathlons all the time. She talked about MTB a lot and it sounded so fun. In fact, her and her partner went with me to Pedal Power in Woodstock to help me purchase my first Mountain Bike when I was 21. Good ol' Norco Bushpilot :) 

What is your favourite type of riding? Mountain Biking.

What is your favourite snack? Iā€™m pretty open to anything with chocolate.

What is your favourite thing about NHCB? The role it plays in empowering people.

Aleida (she/her) - Program Coordinator

How did you get into cycling? Always biked to school when I was young, but took a deep dive many years later and 6 years ago when my husband said we should try Downhill Mountain Biking.  I've never turned back.

What is your favourite type of riding? MTB!

What is your favourite snack? If I remember snacks I like candy or chocolate covered granola bars

What is your favourite thing about NHCB? That we have an inclusive, safe space to learn about bikes.  I also love teaching Ride Smart in schools. 


Aliaksei (he/him) - Community Bike Mechanic

How did you get into cycling? I got into cycling from a young age because my grandfather was a coach for the national cycling team.

What is your favourite type of riding? My favourite type of riding is road cycling and cyclocross.

What is your favourite snack? My favourite snack during bike rides is a jam sandwich.

What is your favourite thing about NHCB? My favourite thing about NHCB is that it's not just a bike shop, but a cycling community for people of all ages and levels of involvement in the sport.

Alison (she/her) - Community Bike Mechanic 

How did you get into cycling? I grew up riding my bike with my siblings on rail trails, along the waterfront, and in our neighbourhood. I also rode to school every day in high-school. In my mid-teens I bought my first gravel bike and fell in love with bike packing. As for learning bike mechanics, I grew up tinkering with the bikes in my parents shed and learned a lot through trial and error. Eventually, I got into the cycling industry in 2021 and have worked at a couple shops since then.

What is your favourite type of riding? Gravel, road, and bike packing!

What is your favourite snack? Mars bar and a can of Coca-Cola, good morale booster and really hits the spot after a long ride. 

What is your favourite thing about NHCB? One of my favourite things about NHCB is that we strive to make cycling more accessible and affordable through selling refurbished bikes. 


Charlotte (she/her) - Community Bike Mechanic

How did you get into cycling? I got into cycling as a healthy, reliable and sustainable mode of transportation.

What is your favourite type of riding? I think mountain biking is the most fun way to ride even though i mostly ride in the city.

What is your favourite snack? Monster energy and trail mix or a granola bar.

What is your favourite thing about NHCB? I love how New Hope Bikes is a community hub for people to come and feel welcome, included and encouraged to be confident on bikes!

Jocelyn (she/her) - Social Media Manager

How did you get into cycling? I got into cycling because I grew up riding and racing with my dad.

What is your favourite type of riding? Definitely mountain biking!

What is your favourite snack? I love a good homemade chocolate chip cookie.

What is your favourite thing about NHCB? I love that NHCB breaks down barriers and allows everyone to enjoy the joy of riding a bike.