Everesting Cycling Fest 2025

New Hope Community Bike hosts the largest one day Everesting fundraiser in Canada. Money raised in this event goes towards reducing barriers to providing equitable access to cycling related resources! Supporting this event is an opportunity to empower others in cycling while giving yourself a unique challenge.

The concept is SIMPLE: Fundraise on behalf of New Hope Community Bikes and then ride up and down the escarpment until you’ve reached the summit of Mount Everest or a summit of your choosing:

Mount Everest (Nepal) - 8,848 m (approx 84 climbs)

Mount Logan (Yukon) - 5,250 m (approx 50 climbs)

Mount Terror (Antarctica) - 3,262 m (approx 31 climbs)

Or simply try a climb similar to that of Mount Albion (Hamilton) - approximately 76 m (one climb)

This Challenge is for everyone!


The Details

  • Saturday, October 4, 2025

  • Fifty Road, Hamilton, ON

Why Summit a Mountain?

Creating an inclusive cycling community and breaking barriers that limit access to cycling can be hard work. Everesting is a 1-day hill climb that mirrors the hard work it takes to build an equitable community by challenging riders to reach the summit of a mountain (the highest being Everest at 8,848m). This fundraiser enables New Hope Community Bikes to break barriers by facilitating programming that includes teaching children to ride bikes, mentoring youth through skill development, supporting cycling initiatives in remote Indigenous Communities, and making cycling accessible to vulnerable people groups. 

This may be the hardest thing you will attempt or accomplish, but worth the effort because you are creating a diverse cycling community by supporting New Hope Community Bikes.


Is Climbing Not Your Thing? Join a Group Ride!

This year we will be hosting two different group rides on October 5th. The cost to register to join a ride is $35 and will go towards supporting the fundraiser for New Hope Community Bikes.

Faster group ride with Ascent Cycling : The faster group ride will leave from the top of the Fifty Road climb at 8:15am. This ride will follow a 120km flat route towards Dunnville with an average speed of 30km/hr. There will be quick stop for food/drinks at a convenience store 75km in. Check out the route here.

Casual group ride: The more casual group ride will meet at the top of the Fifty Road climb at 11am and will follow a 30km route with an average speed of 20-22km/hr.


Everesting Cycling Fest Activities

This year the Everesting Cycling Fest is more than just hill climbing - individuals can also participate by joining the other (less intense) bike-related activities.


We have many volunteer shifts to cover for our event. We need help with traffic safety, event prep, first aid, mechanics, and ride sweeps. If you’re interested in volunteering please fill out the form below. Send us a message if you have any questions!


Want to Climb? Here’s what to do next!

Pick your team size - We're allowing teams to sign with as few as 1 people to as many as 6 people. Choose your team size depending on how many times you want to ride the climb, or mix it up and have one member ride more than others. The goal is to complete the total elevation goal as a team, how you do that is up to you!

Pick your mountain - Do you want to challenge yourself but attempting an Everest seems too overwhelming? This year we have a number of varying heights to choose from:

  • Mount Everest (Nepal) - 8,848 m (approx 84 climbs)

  • Mount Logan (Yukon) - 5,250 m (approx 50 climbs)

  • Mount Terror (Antarctica) - 3,262 m (approx 31 climbs)

  • Or simply try a climb similar to that of Mount Albion (Hamilton) - approximately 76 m (one climb)

Sign-up - Registration fees depend on which mountain you decide to tackle: **Early bird fees are $15 off the prices below and have been extended until May 31, 2024

  • Everest - $95 per rider

  • Mount Logan riders - $85 per rider

  • Mount Terror riders- $75 per rider

  • Try a climb (Mt. Albion) - $20 per rider (No early bird discount)

Sign yourself up first by selecting create a team and then teammates can join you later!

Teammates will select join a team and then select the team name from the drop down menu.

Start your fundraising campaign - This year’s overall fundraising goal is $30,000. In participating in this event, it is suggested that each rider fundraise the following minimum amounts in addition to paying their registration fees:

  • Everest riders - $350 per rider

  • Mount Logan riders - $300 per rider

  • Mount Terror riders- $250 per rider

  • Try a climb (Mt. Albion) - $100 per rider

Funds raised enable New Hope Community Bikes to break barriers by facilitating programming that includes teaching children to ride bikes, mentoring youth through skill development, supporting cycling initiatives in remote Indigenous Communities, and making cycling accessible to vulnerable people groups. 

Start training with some hill climbs!



For the past 6 years we have used the picturesque Fifty Road for our climb. This route up the Niagara Escarpment offers 100m of elevation gain each lap with a 6% grade and is rated as a Category 4 climb. Find the Strava segment here. The road is closed to all non-local traffic for the duration of the event allowing for safer riding conditions and the freedom to use the whole lane up and down. Find the event map here which has details for where to park, vendors locations, the location of rider tents and more!

Instagram @NewHopeBike

Check out the History of Everesting

2025 Event Sponsors

Interested in being a 2025 sponsor? Email info@newhopecommunitybikes.com to learn more!