Everesting Schedule — New Hope Community Bikes

 Everesting Cycling Fest:

Schedule for October 5th, 2024

4:00 am - Road closes. Solo Everest riders may start.

6:00 am - Registration opens for plate pickup.

8:00 am - Official event launch. Meet at the top of the Fifty Road climb for event details, welcome and orientation.

8:15 am - Everesting Teams of 2 and Solo Mount Logan riders start. Dunneville Road Ride led by Ascent Cycling departs (120km distance at 30km/h).

9:00 am - All other teams and Solo Mount Terror climbers start. Domestique Coffee Bar Open. Vendors set up.

11:00 am - Casual 30km Ride departs.

11:15 am - Registration/Sign in closes for all riders.

11:00 am - 2:00 pm - Lunch available.

11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Ride Smart Bicycle Rodeo for kids.

2:00 pm - Draw for raffle prizes.

6:00 pm - Veggie chilli and buns available for riders still on course.

11:00 pm - 11:59 pm - Solo riders finish final laps.